Trace Analysis Guide

More than ever before, people are making decisions based on chemical measurements that affect us medically, environmentally, legally, and commercially. The reliability of these measurements is becoming a critical matter. Dr. Paul Gaines present an essential guide for trace analysts at any level of experience. Topics cover all phases of sample collection, preparation, measurement, and data analysis.

NOTE:  All references to trace analysis assume the use of either ICP-OES or ICP-MS for the purposes of this guide.

  1. Definition, Stages and Training
Sample Collection
  1. Planning the Project
  2. Sampling and Subsampling
Sample Preparation
  1. An Introduction to Sample Preparation
  2. Container Material Properties
  3. Container Transpiration
  4. Stability of Elements at ppb Concentration Levels
  1. Environmental Contamination
  2. Contamination From Reagents
  3. Contamination From the Analyst and Apparatus
Preparation Techniques
  1. Acid Digestions of Inorganic Samples
  2. Acid Digestions of Organic Samples
  3. Sample Preparation by Fusion
  4. Ashing Procedures
Sample Measurement
  1. ICP-OES Measurement
  2. ICP-MS Measurement
  1. Method Validation