
VistaLab™ Technologies manufacture the extremely durable MLA® pipette line with the unmatched lifetime warranty. With a comprehensive range of pipette tips – non-sterile and sterile, filtered and low retention – designed to be the perfect match for Vistalab pipettes. Vistalab is a premier supplier of a wide variety of high quality reagent reservoirs which optimize the recovery of critical reagents.
Most recently, Vistalab have devoted product development efforts to revolutionize yet another liquid transfer segment – serological pipetting. The results have been nothing short of a revolution! ali-Q™ was introduced in late 2017 as the world’s only aliquoting pipet controller for extremely accurate and precise aliquots in the 0.5- 5 mL range. Vistalab also have the full line of Wobble-not™ serological pipets which stop leaking! Innovative products, developed with an optimized user experience at an affordable price – the ultimate in ergonomics and productivity!