HiDens Filter with Glass pre-filter Certified FinaPrep Syringe and Polypropylene Housing
- FinaPrep offers a wide range of syringe filters with a Glass Microfiber membrane used as pre-filter.
- The Glass pre-filter is mounted before the microporous filter membrane. This combination eliminates the need for a pre-filtration step, minimizes sample loss, and prolongs the life of membrane.
- Flow rates are increased, and filtrate volume is significantly greater when compared to filters with no pre-filter.
- Regenerated Cellulose membrane with the GMF membrane as a prefilter, is especially useful for tissue culture media filtration, as well as for general biological sample filtration.
- These filters are ideal for general laboratory filtration of samples that contain an excessive amount of particulates. The glass pre-filter removes the larger particulates and prevents premature clogging of the filter membrane.
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