1000ug/mL MANGANESE 125mL

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1000ug/mL MANGANESE 125mL

Manganese Expanded View


Location:  Group 7, Period 4
Atomic Weight:  54.9380
Coordination Number:  6
Chemical Form in Solution:  Mn(H2O)62+

Storage & Handling:  Keep tightly sealed when not in use. Store and use at 20 ± 4°C. Do not pipet from container. Do not return portions removed for pipetting to container.

Chemical Compatibility:  Stable in HCl, HNO3, H2SO4, HF, and H3PO4. Avoid basic media. Stable with most metals and inorganic anions in acidic media.

Stability:  2-100 ppb levels stable for months in 1% HNO3 / LDPE container. 1-10,000 ppm solutions chemically stable for years in 1-5 % HNO3 / LDPE container.

Mn Containing Samples (Preparation & Solution):  Metal (soluble in dilute acids); Oxides (soluble in dilute acids); Ores (dissolve with HCl. If silica is present, add HF and then fume off silica by adding H2SO4 and heat to SO3 fumes - dense white fumes).

Atomic Spectroscopic Information:
Technique / Line Estimated D.L.* Order Type Interferences
ICP-OES 257.610 nm 0.0014/.00002 µg/mL 1 ion Ce, W, Re
ICP-OES 259.373 nm 0.0016/.00002 µg/mL 1 ion U, Ta, Mo, Fe, Nb
ICP-OES 260.569 nm 0.0021/.00002 µg/mL 1 ion Co
ICP-MS 55 amu 10 ppt n/a M+ 40Ar14N1H, 39K16O, 37Cl18O, 40Ar15N, 38Ar17O, 36Ar18O1H, 38Ar16O1H, 37Cl17O1H, 23Na32S
*ICP-OES D.L.'s are given as radial / axial view

Manganese (Mn) Standards In Our Store

Product Specifications

  • Part #:


  • Description:

    1000ug/mL MANGANESE 125mL

  • Matrix:

    3% v/v Nitric Acid

  • Starting Material:

    Mn metal

Every Inorganic Ventures CRM is sold in patented TCT packaging giving your product up to 3 years shelf life. Read more...

    • Analyte
    • µg/mL
    • Mn
    • 1000

Associated Certifications: ISO 17025


Only Inorganic Ventures can give you ALL of these.....

Traceable to NIST SRMs
Produced under ISO 17025
Assayed by validated wet chemical procedures
Assayed by validated ICP-OES procedures

And up to 3 YEARS SHELF LIFE with TCT packaging