Description/ Intended use
The Matrix Spike sample analysis is designed to provide information about the effect of the sample matrix on the digestion and/or measurement methodology.
At least one Matrix Spike sample analysis shall be performed on each group of samples of a similar matrix type (i.e., aqueous/water, soil/sediment) or for each SDG, whichever is more frequent. The spike is added before the digestion (i.e., prior to the addition of other reagents). The analyte spike shall be added at 1 μg/L for aqueous/water and leachate samples, or at 0.5 mg/kg for soil/sediment samples. Adjustment shall be made to maintain these spiking levels when the weight of sample taken deviates by more than 10% of these values. This is the level of spike present in the final digestate.
Product Specifications

Part #:
1% v/v Nitric Acid 3% w/v Tartaric Acid

Every Inorganic Ventures CRM is sold in patented TCT packaging giving your product up to 3 years shelf life. Read more...
- Analyte
- µg/mL
- Sb
- 500
Associated Certifications: ISO 17034 | ISO 17025
Only Inorganic Ventures can give you ALL of these.....
✔ Produced under ISO 17025
✔ Produced under ISO 17034
✔ Assayed by validated ICP-OES procedures
✔ Trace metallic impurities determined by ICP and ICP-MS
And up to 3 YEARS SHELF LIFE with TCT packaging